Q: What can I do about traffic safety problems in my neighborhood?
A: Your input will make a difference. Please contact the National City Police Department’s Traffic Division (619-336-4420) for recommendations.
Q: How do I report a vehicle that has been abandoned?
A: Write down a description of the vehicle, the license plate number and the address where it is parked. Call our non-emergency number 619-336-4411 with the information. Further investigation will determine whether the vehicle is illegally parked, stolen, or another condition is present allowing the immediate or subsequent removal of the vehicle.
Q: How do I get a ticket signed off?
A: If you have received a “fix it” ticket from the National City Police Department, it can be signed off at our department by an officer. Please have your ticket with you, photo ID, and your repaired vehicle.
Q: How do I pay for a parking ticket?
A: Visit https://nationalcity.citationportal.com/ for more information.
Payment Plan: CVC 40220 allows for installment payments to qualifying low-income individuals who apply within 120 days from the issuance of a notice of parking violation, or within 10 days after an administrative hearing determination, whichever is later. For more information about the low income payment plan, call 877-224-7838, or visit our website for links to payment plan information and application forms https://nationalcity.citationportal.com/.
Q: What are the hours of the Traffic Division?
A: The Traffic Division is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am through 4:30 pm.
Q: Parking complaints on city streets?
A: Call 619-336-4442.
Q: Parking complaints on private property?
A: Call 619-336-4343.