National City, CA
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Services include:
- Traffic studies including parking assessments, sight distance evaluations, speed surveys and counter measures, traffic signal / traffic control warrants, analysis of traffic collision data, traffic calming measures and pedestrian connectivity
- Engineering and planning for smart growth redevelopment, including traffic circulation, traffic calming, pedestrian enhancements, streetscaping, connectivity to transit routes / centers, upgrades to bicycle facilities, and improved walkability
- Monitoring, analysis and upgrades for the City’s fiber optics and traffic signal system including traffic signal coordination, video equipment, and high-speed data transfer
- Plan preparation and review of traffic signal plans, corridor improvement plans, site plan circulation and access, and traffic control plans
- Preliminary design and engineering, and preparation of bid document plans and specifications for capital improvement projects related to traffic improvements
- Preparation of grant applications for funding capital improvement projects
- Evaluation of the state-of-the-practice for school zone safety including in-roadway lighting for crosswalks, flashing beacons, vehicle speed feedback signs, roundabouts, curb extensions, and other traffic calming measures
- Participation and technical advising to the Traffic Safety Committee
- Public outreach and Education